Apple delivers best experience in every category, research says – CNET (Jan 19, 2017)

For all the recent brouhaha about Apple’s commitment to pro users, and allegations that the company has somehow lost its knack for creating innovative, compelling products that “just work”, it’s always good to see something of a reality check. The survey covered in this opinion piece (results in PDF here and a somewhat vague explanation of the survey here) has Apple placing top in every category in which it competes: smartphones, laptops, tablets, and online music services. This is the kind of stuff Tim Cook loves to cite on earnings calls, because it’s the best possible validation that Apple is doing its job well. For all the criticisms from specific groups, whether that’s creative professionals or their would-be spokespeople in the media, it’s this kind of broad-based success among regular people that Apple has always been committed to, and which I suspect is its north star today. This sort of brand engagement and loyalty is the key driver of sales, profits, and growth, and I would expect Apple to continue to try to create products that generate this kind of broad-based brand value and loyalty.

via Apple delivers best experience in every category, research says – CNET

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